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Writer's pictureBill Greider

The Absolute Best Holiday Ever Invented-more so this year!!

Christmas without the hassle. Turkey Day. As I age, I become more and more excited about the prospect of the greatest holiday ever invented.....Thanksgiving. Especially this year!!!

I know at some point, the holiday was about some people in the 1600s sitting down together and eating turkey or something like that. John Smith and his family did the turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, etc., and Pocohantas and her family brought the pumpkin pies and wine.

Look at what it has evolved into! In regular years, I wake up, have breakfast with some fellow football officials. Then I go referee a local high school football rivalry. (that's me on the far right-thinking I had what it takes to raise a beard 30 years ago). After the game, I head home and watch a few series of the Detroit Lions versus whomever, then sit down with my incredible family for dinner. So thankful to have each other. Keep in mind the Lions are still on TV in the background. Once dinner is over, back to the Lion's game. By this time the tryptophan kicks in, and combined with the fresh cold air from the morning football game, it's nappy time. I don't think I've ever seen the end of the Lion's game in 58 years.

When I come to, usually it's the Cowboys against someone, and then after that another NFL game along with a few college games. West coast games on ESPNU can bring me right up to bed time.

What an incredible holiday. No getting dressed up. No church. No shopping, no lights, no cards, I can go on and on. Just the 4 Fs. Family, Football, Food and Fun.

And sheer, unadulterated gratitude. In addition to my family, I think about how incredibly indebted I am to the people in my life who trust me to do what I love for the other 364 clients, my students, my football supervisors, coaches and conferences.

I've only been a "lean consultant" for going on 9 years, but I can honestly say they have been the happiest 9 years of my professional life!! I have learned more and met more people I care about and respect than in the first 3 decades of my career. Throw in teaching college students lean one semester per year and the friendships I have made there, and you are looking at one thankful hombre.

Think about how many times your boss thanks you for what you do. Think about how often you thank the people whose development you are responsible for. It is said that there just doesn't seem to be enough gratitude to meet demand today.

THANK YOU so much for making my life better!

And happy 4F Day!!

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Nov 26, 2020

You couldn't be more correct! Have a great day with your family Bill!!!!!


Chris Ulbrich
Nov 25, 2020

Bill. Thank you what you do and your friendship. Welcome 2021 chris Ulbrich

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